****************************************** KIDCLUB IRC November 27, 1993 UNICEF: Global Environment Castelnau KIDCLUB Open House 17:00 GMT ****************************************** Participants: ============= Finland: Mikael Sundholm, Linus, Lucas, Thomas, Johan Iceland: Oli Atlason Peru: Oscar Becerra Slovenija: Alenka Makuc United Kingdom Cambridge: Ben Walter Durham: Will Parks London: Mike Burleigh, Jane Inett, Luke, Dawn, Denis, Louise A., Louise K., Sam, Katie, Rachel, invited guests included the Mayor of Richmond-on-Thames, James Trolland and others United States California: Vonnie Phillips Maryland: Patti Weeg, Karen, Kelli, Kristi, Hickory, Nada, Maggie Virginia: Joseph Talavier, Mike, Rachel Washington: John Keithly ========================================================================= edited version... hi Oscar.. good to have you with us So who are we right now? I'm in Maryland * willp sitting in an office on a cold and dark UK evening! We had a special on the Manu nat park which is an unsettled part of the amazon jungle southeast of peru Hi I am in Garden Grove, California, by Disneyland where thousands of species exist without classification go on Oscar... Hi A-Vonnie how are you doing with the fires in california? * willp is intrigued and sitting on the edge of his seat My kids are arriving! I believe the fires are all out. Well Manu is the name of the province where this park is. People can arrange to spend a few days there but it's costly and difficult what do people do there Oscar? * Linus is from Finland A friend of mine recorded the whole 4 programs and we can see them calmly and use them in class * willp is from the UK we are in salisbury, maryland U.S.A * A-Mikael is also from Finland. * Oli_ is in iceland oscar, what is happening to this park? there is no people at Manu, at the park, around the area some tribes live in the same way they've done for centuries, in harmony with land * willp smiles with admiration and appreciation nothing is happening to the park It was presented in TV and I mentioned it because of todays subject about environment there are three teachers from Peru travelling to london (king's college) next january, they are very inetersted in meeting Mike and have the opportunity to visit some British Schools, they are from the British Peruvian School in LIma hello from the UK How is your Open House going Mike? we have nada, kelli, kristi, hickory, and karen will you all tell our visitor where you are coming in from..what countries. Cambridge, England maryland, usa One visitor has arrived already Hi, I am in Garden Grove, California, USA * Linus is from Vasa, Finland I'm Oscar becerra in Lima Peru at the Intl. Pacific Fair. It's a trade fair and we are located at the US pavillion IBM booth Hello distinguished guests - it's Will Parks representing UNICEF here in the Northeast of the UK My name is James Trolland and I represent Richmond Education and Business partnership Hello Will, UNICEF has been in the news here in Lima because of a project Called WAWAWASI (house of Kids in Quechua) oriented to give welcome to the world! shelter to infants and kids while parents work in poor areas glad to hear it Oscar! we're glad you're here, JamesT JamesT tells us something about your work in Richmond my role is to link education and business within schools I am a teacher of children with learning disabilities at elem level James, do you link enterprises with schools? yes I missed the last message, who is a teacher for learning disabled kids? how long have you been establishing these links, JamesT? Are our Castelnau friends there? I am, Vonnie in Garden Grove, California, USA 2 years I think most children diagnosed with learning disabilities really have teachers with teaching disabilities (joking) because they haven't Oscar, you may be correct on that found a way to connect with those kids way of learning. Since they know how to walk, run, talk, etc. they must know how to learn, it's just a different way of learning, do you agree? Vonnie, are you a teacher at Garden Grove? Oscar, you are probably very close to the truth. Some teachers (not all) do not wish to take the time to find a different way of teaching. Yes. I teach in Garden Grove, Califronia What age are your students & do you use Internet at school? My students range from 7 to 12 and my 10-12 year olds are in KIDCAFE Excellent! I am working on bringing Internet(Kidlink) to students here in Seattle. Do your students use your account or their own? MikeB: Thank you very much for the the video! Mike who are attending your Open House? Parents of kids? My students use both CORE (through college) or FrEdMail, shich goes through a local high school. Some have their own accounts on FrE Have you looked at the video yet Hello everyone We are going to look at it now How did you like our video? Oscar Louise says Hi! hi louise and everybody else How are you all ? fine thanks Dawn - but a bit cold! We don't have FredMail here in Washington -- what a shame! But we do have access to some free Internet hosts. When the Mayor gets here i have to take care of her so this is my time for talking to you all!:( Its cold here to! I'm fine and excited about this meeting, it's the first time I've stayed for so long without being forced out by the system Yes. We're just about to start looking at it, Dawn. You all should be here in Southern Cal. I think it will be in the 70"s today , with lots of sun. here it isn't that cold I'm just wearing a teeshirt and jeans Lucky for some! here it is cold, but im wearing t-shirt & jeans :) well it's sunny and nice here in Lima as well. We are approaching summer hmm, ok not that cold. Oscar, how is the weather in Peru today? And what is your local time? Its foggy and 9:30 AM here. We have displayed lots of Unicef info for the guests Will ! its not freezing temperatres. Kelli; how are you today? It is really cold out here and we have recently had snow. I love snow ! well as I said sunny and warm, about 25 degrees C and it's half past noon hi Linus I am doing pretty good today how about yourself? * Oli_ loves skiing :) thats why i like snow where is here kid22983? California? This is my first time on kidclub Jane has just taken a photo of me and i hate having photos taken of me ! Kelli; just fine =) * Oli_ gives A-Vonnie a high-Five! mine too! Are you having a good time everyone! Yes, Vonnie, I hadn't noticed you before. But you sound like you are right at home! I am learning and isn't that what it is all about. Thanks! Absolutely! I obtained a fotoman camera which takes B/W pictures in TIFF format so now I can send some to Kidlink gallery if it accepts TIFF What countries are here tonight at the moment? Actually, I thought we were going to meet with Mike Burleigh today. Dawn is MIke b group I am in the USA mikeb is here Is Antti there today Linus? Oscar, oops A-Oscar is from Lima, Peru Dawn, no he isn't dawn, can you tell jane to send Finland a copy of our video? Aye, Hello to Mike et al. Now did you all have a topic for us this fine day! we have Will do we have a topic Isn't it global environment? yes oscar dawn, who all is with you? Who is there in M.D? LUke ,Denis ,Louise A,and Sam What's M.D? If you like Oscar, I could look through my shareware collection and I could mention some software that does TIFF<->GIF converting? Kelli, I missed where you are from, can you say again? kelli,kristi hickory,nada, maggie and karen Mary land would everyone like to chat about this week's topic now? Yes i would sure! sure Excellent idea Will! Thanks kid22983, what's your real name by the way? * willp forgetting to announce that the topic is the GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT Ok, name as many problems around the world as they affect the environment over-fishing is my offer Trees being cut down or burnt Air pollution from chemicals The list is endless! we probably use too much gas in cars here in Southern Cal chemical run off from farms into our Bay replacing forests with coca crops in the latinamerican valleys Ozone layer Global warming correct Dawn - anybody else thought of problems? Decline in bird and frog populations Acid rain oil spills Human over-population that's an impressive and DEPRESSING list what would you place at the top of the list? taking more than our fair share from our planet Nuclear waste Too much garbage piling up I think we should place Global Warming at the top of the list I hate to admit it, but I don't worry about this too much What do you all think? for me perhaps the greatest problem is human population growth rates rising Where are you from Alenka? Hi. I am from Slovenia HI everyone My number one concern is over consumption of our precious resources -- fresh, clean water in particular I agree sort of Will people on the top of the list I think we need to educate people to use our planet conciously before we eat it all and leave nothing for those to come a stable population does less damage [fact] than a growing population me too Vonnie, what are your concerns re: the environment? the more people the more waste and polution thats true Why am I the only one who thinks our world will not be destroyed until God is ready for that? at present humans consume 40% of the world's resources... the less educated the people the more damage they produce I don't think it's just a matter of number Because everyone has diffrent beliefs we share that with approximately 50 MILLION other species... I don't necessarily disagree with you, Vonnie. Kristi thinks that the people are ones ruining the earth , not God I believe in God me too in 30 years time we will be consuming 80% of the world's resources... god? god is a phantsie. balance rulez! - (tao) he gave us this earth and we've got to take care of it I believe in God too but I think the power to use resources conciously is within us what will the other 50 million species be using? I guess what I am saying is that I do not believe the world can be destroyed until God is ready for it. It is us who destroy the Earth because of Cfc gases etc. BY, everbody. See you some other time. Bye But I do believ we should take care of it. Yes that is true The problem is we see the other species as part of the resources to be used by us Vonnie, i think more people should believe that the world is not going to be destroyed...like yourself ... God gave us freedom of choice to do what we want with our world. I think we have just realizized we have to look after it I agree! ...and we decided to over-use it... I too believe firmly that we DO have the ability to prevent global degradation I guess the key to ponder is whether we people can have any effect on preventing environmental degradation. We have to do something as ev good point. what would you do? not everyone is thinking of what is happening to the earth Anybody knows how many lives could be saved with the energy lost in the ice americans throw away after every soft drink? Hmm?? i never thought of that No. Tell us! tell us Oscar I read it's thousands a day. WOW! I guess I just don't think in those terms (about the ice) :( Kristi never uses ice Oscar, throwing away ice may be a problem. But frankly we waste water in many more profound ways than that. I feel that we humans have an ability to IGNORE problems UNTIL they become too great to NOT notice... thats true will It is not just the water being thrown away but the energy is being used to produce the ice. Does anybody know what the Russian government said to the people about the danger with nuclear power plants and weapon testing? no tell us I was not thibking in the water but in the cost of freezing it, we also throw away tons of ketchup, mustard, mayonaise, etc at the fast food restyaurants and that means resources being dilapidated They said that there's no danger. If you wear jeans and a jacket you won't be affected. and the reason that I feel more confident that finally we are coming to terms with our lack of foresight is because technology and science and faith are beginning to compensate for our .... yes we do and also at school Sometimes they didn't say anything... how is that going to protect you? previous indiscretions The Tjernobyl meltdown in Ukraina in 1986 led to that the meat here in Finland and other countries became radioactive. why, according to many scientists should a growing population be the major problems? I guess i better go too, I have been on nearly an hour and I am supposed to limit my time to 60 min within 6 hrs. Thanks for the discussion. Hickory: It doesn't. They said it just so that the people wouldn't worry. Our fat food restaurants are changing their packaging to biodegradable that's a step in the right direction they should tell the people the truth about something that dangerous do you have fat food restaurants? ;-) people in countries like mine were afraid radioactive edibles would be sold to us after Chernobyl and corrupt authorities wouldn't do nothi Many companies are so greedy that they don't want to spend money on the environment. Too many people are too bigger draw on the Earths sources. hheheheheheheh....'fast' food ...my oops! Someone in Finland discovered that Heinz (a ketchup factory) earn what we people leave on the plate. :-o explain johan. Resources of the Earth are finite Will, you mentioned our "growing population" and what is its major concern to scientists . . . ? E.g Coal or Oil Dawn is correct is saying that the earth's natural resources are finite - finite in terms of human lives we have been on earth for such a tiny portion of geological time that our impact has been dramatic.. do you think scientists will discover alternative resources, like solar energy? Yes ithink so good question Hickory - what does everyone think? What I'm pointing is not if the remainings are biodegradable. If you are given 3 mustard packets and use one two are being misused Yeah, soon solar energy will rule the world... solar energy is of course one source of alternative energy - any others? Wind. the cost of those unused two you throw away should have a better use because if not we are using irresponsibly the resorces available thats true because they will usually just get thrown away. How much of the garbage thats piling up do you think has'nt even been used? Hydro electric power, Wave power,wind power,heat power, hydrogen + oxygen Sometime in the future maybe we'll discover fusion power. garbage as a source of energy? e.g. underground thermal energy from waste tips? muscle power instead of electric power fusion anyone? They earn so much many that it cost to make the ketchup that we leave on the plate (pretty much).(I know its a bit late) I'm the lazy type, so I prefer not to use muscle power. Over here we do a lot of re-cycling and have been doing it for quite along time Yes, Hickory, I like that one (muscle power). Let's hear it for bikes! hello this is joseph we do it alot around here too if we have finite resources then the ones thrown away by us are being taken from the ones who will not be able to have them in the future Hi from Finland! Oscarb - replace 'resources' with the word 'earth'!!!! yes will I agree hi from richmond ,va,usa Ah, sorry, hi Joseph! We're talking about environmental problems apart from recycling, w4 need to find other solutions. I guess what my point is about population is that it has been shown that a stable population causes LESS damage than a growing population - How can we motivate our parents to think about recycling? Ah, but Will, we have but one earth to throw away. . . although there are many problems at the moment - they can be controlled... Karen says we need to think alittle more about what we're doing but NOT if the population increases to beyond the carrying capacity of earth's resources as humans use them. How do yor parents react when you talk about recycling? I agree with you Karen, and help others think about what they are doing too The perfect city would be placed in a 'greenhouse' i.e. a house built of glass. It would use solar power and have lots and lots of plants in it that would provide oxygen. Then the UV-radiation wouldn't affect us that much. that's an interesting question Joseph. I don't talk about recycling... Thomas - nice description - it would be sad to think though that we would have to leave like that eventually then how are you goiung to help everyone to think about recycling if you cannt even talk to your parents about your beliefs. But that's what we have to do when the ozone layer is gone. but I used to and my parents said that it would be up to me and that it would be my responsibility not many people talk about recycling in Peru, but there are people who leave near the waste areas and classify garbage and sell it to facto We need to use the newspaper for wrapping gifts, groceries etc Oh, Maggie, I think we ALL must be in this together. What else can we do as kids? they say that charity begins at home - charity as it refers to the earth - the biggest home of all We re-cycle all our papers I can talk to my parents about my beliefs,mano, but I just don't think about it that often Thats cool Bill very touching Yes, I like that too, Will. Maggie do you wish you did think about recycling more often This is mike, Rachel, and joseph on recycling. We take care of recycling cans, papers, plastics etc. We have local recycling centers that people can take their glass, papers etc.... We wish we can stop junk mail. yes,mano that's an interesting point Mano There should be a lawa gainst junk mail That brings alot of unwanted papers We have a load of them in LOndon especiall in Barnes where we live I agree who should be responsible for stopping junk mail? We really don't need all those small advertising leaflets. you are suposed to be able to call them and cancil some of your junkmail shouldn't the companies who produce the mail be encouraged to stop? I am really enjoying this chat but I must leave now, continue enjoying your meeting, Bye Joseph feels that the Govermnemtn first should stop junk mail, and make the advertisers to stop it too. bye Oscar thanks so much for joining us bye oscar from joseph talaiver Why would they stop, will, it helps them make money Bye from LOuise Some people have signs on their front doors that says (translated to English): No advertisements. correct Maggie! Money - perhaps the root of all problems?! we couldn't they be encouraged to use email to advertise? Bye everyone I am handing over to Luise Allcock Bye Dawn! Mike and joseph assure that if the post office stops delivering the junk mail, and throw away or return it to the sender, that will teach junk mailers a lesson. with electricity coming from alternative energy sources !! But that might not be possible for everyone, will Or how about maybe not now - but soon perhaps? Maybe, will I wouldn't like to recieve lots of messages containing things like: Buy Clearasil - it keeps the acne away. Hello, Louise! ;-) Thomas Just before leaving, did you know junk mail is prepared by disabled people (like mentally retarded) and that's one of the few jobs they get who is willlp I did not know anything about that Oscar! I doubt that oscar. May be to a minimum. Probably, we should find another kind of job for them HI What do you mean by prepared Oscar? Hello will p. This is joseph talaiver. My mom has talked about you. I've seen them and the proud in their faces is really touching. They feel useful and very proud to sustain themselves Karen agrees with joseph I suppose that must be a good thing Oscar prepared: they take the leaflets and put them in envelopes perhaps the answer to this leaflet problem would be to ensure that the paper was itself recycled paper? brb Yeah. It's a pity that we don't like what they have done. brb Tht is a good idea Will... that would ensure also that people kept their jobs I think that all leaflets should contain a message asking people to recycle all they have read and do not need anymore I am not still coninved about junk mail solution. Hi, Ole from Icelan. Hei from Richmond, VA Hey, amazing! what do you think Maggie? My junk mail solutions are: * Oli_ doesnt have a junkmail problem :) Oli, no junk mail? 1. The advertisers should use only mentally retarded people and the envelop shd say that they stuffed the envelope. Where are you Oli nope. Ilike Louise's idea... 2. Make the advertisers pay double the postage. i am in reykjavik, iceland 3. Use recycled papers only for junk mail abuot the message asking people to recycle yes Maggie i c that uve changed the topic from taling about enviromental issues to junk mail... I think all of those are excellent ideas Mano 4. After reading, send it to the advertisers for recycling,. and the advertiser should pay for it. Mano those are some intersting ideas Is this asking too much, Joseph & MIKe Oli, it is enviromental... So Oli, is all your mail free from advertising and soliciting? GASP! The junkmail is part of the problem Mano is not here, these are kids. Now let us how to change our name Yepp, we get almost no junk mail over here - well - almost :) Use /nick Oli, what have you done to get less junkmail? Why do you trhink you do noy get ant junk mail Oli?? maggie: i lived in iceland, so now i dont get as much junk mail :)) but there are lists you can unsubscribe to if you want. Do you have a word in yoru dictionary called junk mail in Iceland Oli, do you have other kinds of advertising, instead of junkmail? so you havent got a word for it either It is going very well I have someone with me now Nothing instead. Just the tv Papers and stuff like that But don't you have junkmail inside your papers? So the Iceland government has perhaps banned junk mailing? nope. only ads You could use this-stupid-paper-goes-right-into-the-dust-bin. That's one word (almost). NO not banned it Louise, who is with you? but after all, we only are 250.000 discouraged it? nope it just isnt used very much Why, Oli? most junkmail we receive is from the states or the eoropean continent :) Oh my, "this-stupid-paper" more work to say it than to just chuck it. I have lots of important people with me!... The junkmailwe get doesn't come from other countries. apart from junk mail what other LOCAL environmental problems do you have in your respective countries? Oops, what kind of impt people, I better strighten up my act. The mayor and consort.. Welcome to Louise's distinguished guests. Louise, nice to hear ... but what is a consort? well, we have been complaining about water problems, water pollution. Cosmas Rubencanp from Richmond, Virginia!... Unlike in London (I've been there), wherever you go here yo find scrap in the street. Our Richmond city governemnt and Virginia epa are taking care of the problems. Three councillors Karen just got the mail... what type of water pollution Joseph? hello VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE. This is joseph Talaiver, Michael and Rachel Walls We have junkmail Thec ompanies and factories spill. Drainages from the houses Our government also has built a new flood wall. This will miminimize some problems On which river Joseph? Of course, our own River James. Do you know that we are going to do a project between River James and River Thames if every thign works weell The project will be called The electronic tale of two rivers: The James and the Thames. great Joseph sounds a wonderful project - Good luck! Well, lest I overstay my time and create unnecessary junk irc mail . . . (no one does this, right) I will just be saying Adieu! I hopw we can comple it with the help of our English friends like you. Boo! hello, john do not leave yet. We need to hear about water pollution We are looking forward to making a video on our locai river(The Thames) YEAH! hi how yall doin Wondrful, well, one of my teachers is making a mulimedia stack on James I'm sure Louise and company will be helping you Joseph Wonderful, our teachers from USA are carol mccreary, norwwood powell, and someone else. I will aks my mom. my mom won't let me recycle she thinks it is to much trouble and no one will help out I think recycling is worth the trouble Karen! Is Mr. Burleigh there wi Mr.Burleigh is here karen - your mom faces what many other people fear - that they are the only one's helping the environment.... I( know but my mom won't let me too much work for having 4 trash cans in the garage recycling and contributing at home is the GREATEST way of helping - and you wouldd't be alone she thinks no one will use. that is right. Let us hear more on wnater pollution and air pollution. polluted water is a killer Anyway back too water pollution! karen EVERY little bit helps! that's the whole point! Talking about air pollution; it is sad today that Phillip Morris announced a lay off today. well i try but i need some support from my mom and dad yes i can't do it with out my parents How amuch are you doing kaeren before you work with your mom and dad People have been known to get very ill from swallowing dirty water fromthe Thames Will, I think that depends on whether you live in the US or UK. Well may be we need to dtrengthen our immunity, hep. What is Phillip Morris??? why thomas water from many places can kill you Everytime I grumble about bad water, my mom says think about people in India By the way, Phillip Moris is the largest cigarette company. Immunity is not always the way to prevent disease All that air pollution, smoke and cancer etc have taken en effect, you see joe i have tried to set up stuff to recycle but i was not allowed i sort stuff but i need more help hi luke Hi everyone !! Karen can your friends not help you? How can I give a piece of my mind to your parents, let me think about tht its not that easy my friends don't live w/ me and maybe if they come over they can help but that is not 365 days a year Joseph, perhaps it is better to talk with adults rather than to argue with them? good point, Mr. Parker. I just listen to my parents before I say anything. Then I start, "can i say soemthing? I think that you should know you are all supported by EACHOTHER! Of course, thanks mr. parker. We should start our own recycling project in samll scale and then start with ohters. Like my paster says, I cannot preach if I do not practice. that's right Joseph - is a seed bigger than the tree it grows into? No! Well, bye everyone in England, we have got to leave Do you all have anything to share. We will share this log with the mayor of Richmond, and the mtero Richmond conventions bureau. we do try to make a difference like using hairspray that does not hurt the ozone layer bye every one from mike, rachel, and joseph Karen: we have a lot of ozone friendly aerosols same here luke we also are starting to get more and more recycled paper being used we also have companies trying too like mcdonalds Alot is used now Here we are not that active (don't blame me!) by a range of people these are good signs of progress and effort Many of the fridges are made without C.F.Cs the biggest problem of all as far as the ozone is concerned and the old ones with the harmful gases can be disposed of safely that's right LukeM we learn mostly by our mistakes! Many cmpaniees have a deal whereby they dispose of your old fridge when you buy a new one but the thing is that every thing is made by stuff that is one the earth on the earth and life is in its cycle we have already have messed up and it is such a problem and we do not do enough no these are my own words they sound great Karen! but it can't just sound great i meant something good point there has to be thought behind what people say don't get me wrong, Karen, they mean something AND sound great - that way people will listen! are we the only ones on topic I remember reading a book on the environment.... where the writer mentions the hunting of Blue Whales... i hope this is my home and will be my childrens home and i am scared of what it will look like and i am thinking to my self do i want to have children who will live in my generation and others mistakes? his words went something like this.... i mean this is my home I find that problem too karen It's hard to comprehend that we are killing our planet... What if we cannot repair our mistakes? Then we can only hope that we find a new planet. Perhaps we'll treat that more wisely. do you know what i mean like it is really not bothering me now but it will w/my kids and i don't know if i would want to put them trough that through "It seems strange that men now hunt an animal who has been in existence for 50 million years, in perfect harmony with its environment, all for the sake of producing perfume. The heart of a Blue Whale weighs just more than a tonne, and yet we are killing .. it for the sake of a few ounces. Would you unravel the Bayeaux Tapestry for a ball of string? that sounds too easy and it will never happen we can not live on other planets tom It's ridiculous At the moment, we can't, but there is a possibility that we will colonize Mars. but would that be a good life?.. but what I keep returning to is that the environment can support us as a species - if only we could learn to control our uses of the resources we have been blessed with and more importantly control our own population growth rate... Also, if we get to another solar system, there is a chance that there would be life on that one... you could only live in contained areas we would just end up taking our bad habits w/ us and ruin it then we would find another one just can't happen in close contact with others all the time... no privacy... do what we would go maddd.. well i would anyway*:^) You said it wouldn't be a good life; that depends on if we make it a good life. but isn't part of life...our environment yes but many people wouldn't be able to leave their bad habbits behind we would destroy the planets we inhabited systematically one by one...by one till there was no more*:^( thats too depressing one ruined planet is all that we need LukeM, surely there's a better solution to the progressive destruction of our solar system!!! Such as maintaining our balance on earth! what makes our species so detructive..... Greed Look. We don't have to destroy another planet.Before we can colonize another planet all countries must unite. Else the new planet will be destroyed by wars. hopefully we can turn our world around so we wont have to look for another planet How? by doing things right That doesn't say much. It might surprise you to know that according to ecologists we use only 1% of what the earth could provide for our maintenance. The biggest problem is that we OVERUSE this 1%! making people stop thier ignorant ways by telling people the facts about what they are doing i think that our race is too greedy if we can control the population growth rate and utilize resources sustainable then Greed would be the only problem left to tackle... The only way (that isn't possible) would be to turn back the years, so that money wouldn't exist. very greedy I admit however, that greed is perhaps the most difficult of human emotions to control. we take more for ourselves, and disregard the planet's other inhabitants If there's money to win, then Man can do anything. I know we can't correct what has happened in the past but we can change what is happening today!! greed isn't just money... and there are almost 50 million species of those other inhabitants greed can be for everything!! greed for power, control, etc. But you can't just tell everyone: Stop destroying this planet, please! we shouldn't have to tell people they should repond before being asked But everyone isn't that caring. some people are lazy too two major faults think of other animals my dad refused to recycle at McDonalds when they first started to do it now he does because i yelled at him he is too lazy * willp thinks that you are all tremendous people and wishes he could stay to chat for longer but he has to go. Speak to you again next week. Remember an old chinese proverb: 'It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" Man put species of life where they didn't belong. Like the mink that have been placed here and cannot be taken away. see you all next week. I hope you all feel this has been worthwhile! .