Mr. D Goes to the Grand Canyon

North Rim

Mr. D will be offline as he heads west to the Grand Canyon. The Delmar students will be using map skills to find the latitude and longitude of his location as he travels from Florida to Arizona. They will chart the daily temperature at the North Rim and make a graph. The kids will look closely at time zones across the USA to see how many hours Mr. D. will actually be in flight as he travels to his destination. We will take this opportunity learn more about the Grand Canyon.

Heather and Ashley did a great job determining the average numbr of heartbeats per minute using the information in the book about pacemakers that Mr, D. sent us, Understanding Pacemakers by David Sonnenburg, Michael Birnbaum and Emil A. Naclerio, M.D. The girls will calculate the approximate number of heartbeats Mr. D. will have during the flight!

Here are some starting places for information about the Grand Canyon.

Mr. D gave the kids some homework as they followed his trip.

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