Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice data found on KIDPROJ Math Keypal Project

graph by: Leslie Dyson

               Hours of Daylight on December 21 1994
90 N
80 N
70 N                                    -FI----
60 N                              ----Finland--------
50 N                           ----Canada---------------
40 N                        -------Illinois--USA--------
30 N                        -------Florida-USA------------
20 N                        -------Hawaii-USA-------------
10 N
Equator                ----------Fortaleza,--Brazil--------
10 S
20 S                   ---------Rio-De-Janerio,--Brazil-------
30 S                    ------Santiago,--Chile-------------------
40 S                   ^                                       ^
50 S                sunrise                                  sunset
60 S
70 S
80 S
90 S
      00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

                                 Time of Day

    Leslie Dyson
    Delmar Elementary
    age 11

Several of the students are making graphs to show the hours of sunlight
on December 21st.  Leslie just happened to finish her graph first.
I let her decide which cities to put on the graph.   She tried to chose
one city from every ten degrees.  We wish we had more data from the Southern
Hemisphere to 'round out' the data.  (g)  Leslie followed the patttern of a
graph that Leisa posted earlier from her meteorologist friend, Ken, in
Florida.  The kids gathered the data from our Math Penpal messages.  We could
spend ages locating each city.  Before I gave them the chart that Leisa sent I
made them calculate the hours of daylight by subtracting sunrise time from
sunset time.  That in itself was a lesson.

                       Sunrise/Sunset  December 21, 1994
day     rise    set     lat     long    location
0000    NONE    NONE    71N     156W    Barrow, AK
0001    NONE    NONE    70N     27E     Utsjoki, Finland
0002    NONE    NONE    68N     166W    Pt. Hope, Alaska
0003    NONE    NONE    67N     27E     Sodankyl, Finland
0154    11:25   13:19   67N     24E     Pello,Finland
0248    10:37   13:25   66N     29E     Kuusamo,Finland
0347    10:03   1:50    66N     25E     Kemi,Finland
0334    10:29   14:03   65N     25E     Oulu, Finland
0410    10:15   14:25   64N     24E     Ylivieska,Finalnd
0542    9:30    15:12   61N     21N     Kokemaki, Finland
0549    9:24    15:13   60N     25E     Helsinki, Finland
0724    8:49    16:13   53N     113W    Gibbons, Alberta
0740    8:16    15:56   52N     1W      Solihull,UK
0750    8:04    !5:54   51N     1W      Berkshire, England
0845    7:31    16:15   45N     73W     Rosemere, Quebec
0854    7:41    16:35   43N     92W     Rochester, MN
0859    7:20    16:19   43N     88W     Menomonee Falls, WI
0907    7:15    16:22   43N     73W     Hatfield, MA
0911    7:14    16:25   41N     72W     Guilford, CT
0919    7:12    16:31   40N     88W     Urbana, IL
0920    7:18    16:38   40N     105W    Boulder,CO
0926    7:16    4:43    38N     89W     Clayton, MO
0930    7:13    4:43    38N     75W     Delmar, MD
0932    7:22    16:54   37N     121W    Oakland, CA
0932    7:22    16:54   36N     121W    Santa Cruz, CA
0935    7:20    16:55   37N     77W     Richmond, VA
0956    6:51    16:47   33N     117W    Garden Grove, CA
1003    6:36    16:39   32N     35E     Sde-Boker, Israel
1013    7:08    17:21   30N     94W     Groves, TX
2400    NONE    NONE    90S             Antarctica
        5:23    17:25    4S     38W     Fortaleza, Brazil
        5:32    18:37   23S     47W     Rio de Janerio, Brazil
        5:43    20:37   30S     51W     Porto Alegre, Brazil
1425    5:30    19:55   33S     70W     Santiago, Chile

--------more sunrise/sunset data from KIDSPHERE list--------

0758    1703    42.5oN      83oW        Windsor     Canada
0840    1536    56oN        10oE        Hinnerup    Denmark
0839    1608    53.5o N     6.25' W     Dublin      Ireland
0928    1540    58.58       05.44       Stavanger   Norway
0849    1615    53.33oN     113.28'W    Edmonton    Canada
0948    1517    61o08'N     21o30' E.   Rauma       Finland
0813    1645    46.5 N      7 E         Fribourg    Switzerland
0810    1638    47oN        7.5oE       Frauenfeld  Switzerland
0722    1638    40.52N      75.44W      Jim Thorpe  PA USA
0710    1614    42N         71W         Massachusetts USA
0712    1759    21.9N       159.4W      Lihue,HAWAII  USA
0736    1639    43.18N      91.47W      Decorah, IA   USA
0728    1724    33.18N      112.2W      Phoenix       USA
0725    1651    38.58N      92.20W      COLUMBIA      USA
0710    1615    Z42.25N      71.7W      Worcester, MA USA
0740    1731    30.5 N      83.5 W      Madison, Florida USA
0748    0503    41.15N      95.56W      Omaha          U.S.
0715    0430    40.43N      73.38W      Hempstead      USA
0806    1617    49 N        123 W       N. Vancouver,  BC
0710    1615    42 N        71 W        Stoughton      USA
0743    1643    44N         79W         North York
0718    1638    40N         105.3W      Boulder,CO     USA
0719    1639    39.56 N     78 W        Wallingford    Pennsylvania
0710    1615    42 N        71 W        Stoughton      USA

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