Palms and Nature Observations

...using Palms in Mrs. Taylor's Reading Class

See pictures of the students during the writing process for their Haikus.

Mrs. Taylor's students took Palm handhelds outside and made notes of their observations of nature. From these notes they wrote their own Haiku. Below is a printed copy of Ronnie's notes and resulting Haiku.

Each of Mrs. Taylor's students created his or her own book of writings. Below are some of the haikus that are included in their books. Click on the image to see a larger view.

by: Amore

by: Amore

by: Marissa

by: Kasey

A Teacher's Perspective

By Mrs. Taylor

Using the palms for my haiku lessons was a perfect mix of technology with poetry instruction! Normally, we take our nature walk with clipboards and pencils, and try to write our observations as we walk. With the palms, the students were able to use the screen's keyboard and easily tap their observations as they walked around the school grounds. Back inside the classroom, they worked and re-worked their observations to create original haiku poems using the proper format we learned. Students then took turns beaming their draft versions to me for display on the projector using Handshare. It was a great opportunity for the students to share and critique one another's poems. They provided feedback to one another and offered suggestions for revisions. Then, editing and revision took place using the keyboards and the palms at their desks before beaming the final copies to the printer. Throughout the lesson, motivation was high, students were helpful with one another, they enjoyed the integration of technology into their class work, and the lesson objective was more than met successfully!

Writing Poetry with the Palms

By Matt

Our class went outside with the palms and made a list of what we saw in nature. Then, after that, we wrote haiku poems with the list of ideas we had. We typed our haiku on the palms and checked our syllable count and format. We beamed them to our teacher on the projector so we could check each other's work. Then, our teacher helped us eliminate words we didn't really need, and we replaced them with words we needed. Finally, we printed them out and put them in our book of poetry.

How We Made Haiku Poems

By Brooke

Mrs. Taylor first asked Mrs. Weeg if we could use the palms. Then, Mrs. Weeg said we could take them outside instead of bringing paper and pencil out with us. We made observations about nature, and then came inside to make our 3-lined poems with a 5-7-5 syllable count. We typed our haiku poems and then beamed them to the printer so we could have a printed copy. For example, I wrote this one:

Bright purple lilies…
Blooming in spring in garden,
With hot yellow sun.

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Patti Weeg
May 15, 2006